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Cultivating Cybersecurity: Observing a Safer Internet Day

6 Feb 2024 1 minute read

In commemoration of this essential day, our blog post focuses on the professional facets of online safety. Offering strategic insights and meticulous guidance, we explore the landscape of cybersecurity, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of good practices. As we observe Safer Internet Day together, let this resource serve as a dedicated reference, empowering individuals and organisations to fortify their digital defences in an ever-evolving virtual realm.

Salus presents three key points to be aware of on Internet Safety Day:

  1. Digital Hygiene Practices
    • Create and regularly update strong, unique passwords for each online account, utilising a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Alternatively, NCSC’s guidance on three random words provides an easy and secure way to manage your passwords (Three random words – NCSC.GOV.UK).
    • Enable automatic software updates on all devices to ensure the latest security patches are applied promptly.
    • Install reputable antivirus software and use robust perimeter network security tools to fortify devices against potential cyber threats.
  2. Mindful Online Behaviour
    • Exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments in emails, especially from unknown senders. Using your email provider’s “report as spam” feature helps to identify malicious content more easily and handle the email securely.
    • Regularly review and adjust privacy settings on social media platforms to control the visibility of personal information.
    • Adopt a sceptical approach to unsolicited messages, avoiding sharing sensitive information unless the source is verified and trusted.
  3. Promoting digital literacy
    • Cultivate critical thinking skills online by fact-checking information before sharing or believing it.
    • Implement two-factor authentication for an additional layer of security on all accounts where this feature is available.
    • Foster a proactive approach to reporting and addressing online harassment, cyberbullying, or any suspicious activities to relevant platforms or authorities.

In conclusion, as we unite in commemorating Safer Internet Day, these insights and practical guidelines aim to equip our readers with the tools needed to navigate the digital realm securely. Let’s forge a safer and more resilient online community by adopting these practices and fostering a collective commitment to digital well-being.

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