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Complaint Process


Salus is certified to ISO9001, a globally recognised standard for security management and has a dedicated compliance and complaints procedure.

Salus is committed to upholding the quality of its service delivery. If at any time you feel we have not met our operational or performance standards, we ask that you let us know so we can investigate the matter.

What is a complaint?

Any expression of dissatisfaction or discontent regarding our conduct as a business is considered a complaint.

You should not hesitate to contact us if you feel that we have failed to:

  • Treat you or your organisation fairly.
  • Meet the standard(s) you expected to receive from us.
  • Comply with our own internal process.
  • Demonstrate respectful or professional behaviour.

We will review all complaints. However, there may be occasions when we receive correspondence which in our view falls outside the above criteria and does not meet our definition of a complaint or warrant the need for an in-depth investigation. These include:

  • Objections to certain steps, recommendations, or decisions that we have taken in compliance with our legal requirements.
  • Circumstances where we have no grounds to act.
  • Anonymous complaints.
  • Malicious claims such as harassment of staff or repeated submissions of a complaint.

In all other cases, we will provide brief reasons for our views. Following a first response from us, we will not engage in further correspondence unless justified.

This procedure does not cover matters managed under separate processes, which include but are not limited to:

  • Requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the UK General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Concerns raised by internal employees: this process is included in our Employee Handbook and dealt with under the appropriate policy.

How to Complain?

We ask that complaints are emailed directly to and in order that we can act accordingly.

To help us resolve your complaint, please ensure to state on your communication that you are making a complaint, setting out the nature of your complaint, providing as much detail as possible including the facts, dates, times, names, etc, and your contact details so that we can respond to you.

Our Process

  1. If you have supplied your contact details, we will acknowledge your complaint within five (5) working days.

  2. Your complaint will then be passed to an appropriate person who was not involved in your complaint and has the relevant experience to consider it. This person is typically a senior member of our team or a department head, ensuring an unbiased and thorough review of your complaint.

  3. We aim to respond within twenty (20) working days. If we find there is a need for more clarification or information, we will email you accordingly.

  4. Our response will clearly outline the steps that we took during the investigation reasons for our approach, and any views we feel we need to include. Where we identify mistakes occurred, we will acknowledge those mistakes and explain the process we have implemented to prevent any recurrence of the same problem.

  5. We aim for a full resolution of each complaint within the above timescale. If a complaint is complex, we may extend the time limit of twenty (20) working days. In such instances, we will keep you informed.

Other Information

Salus welcomes any comments or suggestions about its complaints procedure to ensure it operates as efficiently and effectively as possible. Please email any comments to us at

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