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Salus Cyber

Application Testing

Web Application Testing

Secure your intellectual external and internal web applications.

Based on the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide, our web application penetration tests are designed to identify vulnerabilities and enhance your company's security posture.

Our web application penetration test service is designed to identify vulnerabilities and security weaknesses in your web application. The goal is to simulate an attacker attempting to exploit these vulnerabilities and provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings. Our testing methodology follows industry standards and best practices, and we use a combination of automated and manual techniques to ensure the highest level of accuracy.


  • Reconnaissance: We will gather information about the web application, including its architecture, technologies used, and potential vulnerabilities.


  • Analysis: We will identify instances where security features such as security headers are not taken advantage of or outdated technologies are used, such as outdated JavaScript libraries.


  • Vulnerability Scanning: We will use automated tools to scan the web application for known vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common web application vulnerabilities.


  • Manual Testing: Our team of experienced security testers will manually test the web application for vulnerabilities that automated tools cannot detect. This includes testing for business logic flaws, authentication and authorisation issues, and other vulnerabilities specific to the web application.


  • Exploitation: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, we will attempt to exploit them to determine the extent of the vulnerability and the potential impact on the web application and your organisation.


Our web application penetration test service is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the security posture of your web application. By identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses, we can help you improve the security of your web application and reduce the risk of a security breach.

First Line Dark


Web application penetration testing provides an enhanced level of assurance around protecting your intellectual property (IP) by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit. This helps to ensure that sensitive data, such as trade secrets, proprietary algorithms, and other confidential information, is safeguarded against unauthorised access, theft, or misuse.


Conducting regular web application penetration testing is essential for regulatory compliance, particularly if you are holding personally identifiable information (PII) or customer data. Compliance frameworks such as Cyber Essentials require suppliers to demonstrate that they have implemented appropriate security measures to protect sensitive data, and penetration testing can be a key component of this. By conducting regular penetration testing, you can identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, helping to ensure that you remain compliant with relevant regulations and standards.


Zero-trust security models require all users and devices to be authenticated and authorised before accessing any resources, including web applications. This can lead to complex access control policies. Regularly testing web applications to ensure adherence to good development practices is crucial when designing publicly facing or access-controlled applications.


Attackers often target Web applications seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in the application's code or infrastructure due to being a rich source of valuable data and intellectual property. As new vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited, keeping up with the latest security developments is essential to ensure that web applications remain secure. This requires a proactive approach to security, including regular penetration testing, ongoing monitoring and incident response.

How we work

Customer Journey

  1. Identify

    First, we take time to familiarise ourselves with your business. This allows us to clearly understand your requirements, your business risks, your key pain-points, and the outcomes you’re looking for.

  2. Understand

    We turn those requirements into crystal-clear scoping and test plan documents, so you know precisely what we’ll be doing, when we will be doing it, and how we will do it.

  3. Test

    We deliver what we promised.

  4. Inform

    Every report we create is unique based on your business, we don’t use cookie cutter data for our summaries or our remediation plans. Our precise and concise findings brief will advise what steps your business needs to take next to reduce cyber risk.

  5. Remediate

    We can ensure that the remediation process is tracked and coordinated within your business, we will allocate resources to point you in the right directions or if you need our help directly with remediation, we’ve got you covered.

  6. Feedback

    Your opinion is important to us, so we send a questionnaire to every one of our customers after each project – so you can let us know how we did.

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