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Salus Cyber

Application Testing

Serverless Function Testing

Ensure your serverless functions are secure.

Uncover vulnerabilities in serverless functions with our service that ensures your applications are safe from exploits.

Serverless function testing is an essential step in ensuring your serverless functions' security, reliability, and performance are kept at optimal levels. At Salus Cyber, our serverless function test is designed to provide our customers with tailored vulnerabilities assessment to suit your business goals. This is achieved with the following:

  • Scoping: We begin by understanding your objectives and requirements for needing a serverless function test done. We then work with you to identify what serverless functions will be in the scope of testing.


  • Vulnerability Identification: Our team of highly skilled testers will then perform penetration testing of your serverless functions to identify vulnerabilities within your serverless functions and potential paths for exploitation.


  • Analysis: Our highly skilled team of testers will then move on to performing an analysis of the results from testing to determine the severity of each finding and what impact it has on your business.


  • Remediation: Our team will lastly provide clear, concise remediation guidance for all vulnerabilities discovered that consider your business’s unique requirements.

We can optionally perform a reassessment to ensure that all vulnerabilities have been addressed and that your network is secure.

First Line Dark


Testing your serverless functions ensures that they work the way they were intended to operate. By having our testers perform penetration testing on your serverless functions, your business can better understand your functions' reliability, including an enhanced understanding of their performance.


Serverless function testing helps identify vulnerabilities that malicious actors may exploit. By proactively remediating these vulnerabilities, you can gain assurance that your business assets are protected from exploitation.


Serverless technologies constantly evolve, introducing new features and security considerations. Our team of highly skilled consultants overcome this challenge by staying up to date with the most recent advancements and having our consultants perform certifications to ensure their knowledge is kept current.


This complexity can make it difficult for penetration testing to be performed effectively. Our consultants manage this challenge by ensuring that a comprehensive scoping call is done to identify key targets that will allow for targeted testing.

How we work

Customer Journey

  1. Identify

    First, we take time to familiarise ourselves with your business. This allows us to clearly understand your requirements, your business risks, your key pain-points, and the outcomes you’re looking for.

  2. Understand

    We turn those requirements into crystal-clear scoping and test plan documents, so you know precisely what we’ll be doing, when we will be doing it, and how we will do it.

  3. Test

    We deliver what we promised.

  4. Inform

    Every report we create is unique based on your business, we don’t use cookie cutter data for our summaries or our remediation plans. Our precise and concise findings brief will advise what steps your business needs to take next to reduce cyber risk.

  5. Remediate

    We can ensure that the remediation process is tracked and coordinated within your business, we will allocate resources to point you in the right directions or if you need our help directly with remediation, we’ve got you covered.

  6. Feedback

    Your opinion is important to us, so we send a questionnaire to every one of our customers after each project – so you can let us know how we did.

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